
A Multi-Physics Simulation Platform

A Modular Multi-Physics Simulator for Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical Simulations

Open-CSMP++ is a simulation toolkit that has been developed for 20+ years between ETH Zurich, Imperial University, the University of Melbourne, and the University of Leoben.

Physical Capabilities
  • Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical capabilities
  • Explicit Representation of Fractures
  • Geomodelling Interface with SKUA 
  • Interface with GEMS for Reactive flow simulations
Numerical Capabilities
  • Mass conservative Control-Volume-Finite-Element Method (CVFEM) 
  • Interface to parrallel Algebraic Multi-Grid Solver (SAMG)

As core developers of Open-CSMP++, we have a wealth of experience in its utilisation to solve both academic, and real-world problems. We would love to leverage Open-CSMP++ to help you better understand the subsurface, and we are always happy to further develop the toolkit where needed.