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Our Vision

A world where the potential of the subsurface is unlocked as a sustainable supplier and store of energy, and a vital sink of carbon.

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Our Mission

Demystifying the subsurface using powerful numerical models, providing novel insights, testing existing hypotheses, and optimising via predicting.

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Our Values

Standing on the shoulders of giants teaches us about humility and collaboration. We believe the complex reality beneath our feet is decipherable by embracing  collaboration and perserverance

GeoEnergy Numerics
‍‍ A Numerical Modelling Consultancy

A Sustainable Modelling Group

We are a modelling group focusing on sustainable reservoir simulation. Our modelling experience has primarily involved the co-development of the Complex Systems Modelling Platform (CSMP++) and its application to solve real-world geological problems. We focus exclusively on sustainable geoenergy projects, which entails the following industries: 

  • Geological Carbon Storage
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)
  • Fractured & Faulted Reservoirs

Our fields of expertise range from reservoir geology to advanced numerical methods, giving us a specialisation on Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical modelling of subsurface processes. Where there is a need for quantitative, data-driven predictions in socially-beneficial projects, we would love to help.

Our Team

Meet Our Leaders

Dr. Edoardo Pezzulli

Prof. Dr. Stephan Matthai

Dr. Qi Shao

Join Our Team

Do our values, ambitions and projects resonate with you? Then don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are delighted to hear from people with a diverse range of expertise.

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